Sustainability And Green Living
The New Natural™ at Sonäge is our commitment to using the safest, non-toxic, all-natural ingredients to create skin care products that don’t compromise on efficacy. But, for us, The New Natural doesn’t stop there – especially as we keep preaching that beauty is part of a holistic health choice. You don’t need us to tell you that powering through a spin class with the reward of a sugar-glazed donut is not sustainable healthy living (although we’ve all been there… Mmm donuts). Sustainable healthy living means making small lifestyle changes that work in unison to contribute to the big picture. And that’s why for us, our Green Mission extends far beyond disrupting the beauty industry and pushing for higher standards in Personal Care Products. Working together with like-minded businesses to use sustainable alternatives to protect our health and the planet.
Green Festival Expo
Earlier this month we participated at the Green Festival Expo in San Francisco. This super fun event is a platform for brands to showcase their green products and services and attendees can learn more about healthy and sustainable living. It’s the largest sustainability and green living event in the U.S. and we totally recommend it for anyone and everyone. There are innovations from pretty much every industry guaranteed to raise your eyebrows and stop you in your tracks. Our eyes widened at the endless possibilities – even in the proximity of our booth. To our left were the vegan CLIF BARS – they don't contain any animal derivatives are delicious and nutritious. Across the aisle was Kia exhibiting the stylishly sustainable Soul EV. Meanwhile, on our right was Fernwood Cemetery promoting green burial and EcoloBlue – a groundbreaking invention that creates drinking water from the air. SF Sustainable Fashion Week International paraded through the festival, exhibiting the most impressive designs crafted from recycled materials. It really was such a fun, educational experience with an electric crowd full of energy and excitement.
PETA’s Beauty Without Bunnies Program
Sonäge has NEVER tested on animals and all our products are 100% cruelty-free. We joined with PETA to take a stand against an issue that is so contradictory to our values. Their program helps educate consumers on which companies and products are cruelty-free. Together we can help end the outrageous and antiquated practice of causing harm to animals for cosmetic purposes.
Non Toxic Revolution
We've teamed up once again with the not-for-profit Non Toxic Revolution to support their mission to inform, educate and inspire young people to boycott toxic chemicals and ingredients. As part of their #GivingTuesday initiative on November 29, we donated our highly coveted EWG Verified Vitality Nourishing Facial Oil to anyone who donated $50+ to support NTR's worthwhile cause.
REAL – Responsible Eating And Living
Be sure to listen-in as Sonäge CEO Anisha Khanna is featured as a guest on Responsible Eating And Living’s It’s All About Food program, founded by cancer survivor and vegan activist, Caryn Hartglass. Caryn has appeared on Dr. OZ and CNN. Caryn often invites influential thought-leaders across sectors that impact health from medical, nutritional, athletic, environmental to law. Anisha will discuss her decision to become professionally involved with Sonäge – ensuring that all products are not only societally responsible and safe, but also performance-based.